
Winners Photo Contest: Springtime, Baby! | 2024-04

Winners Photo Contest: Springtime, Baby! | 2024-04

The "Springtime, baby!" photo contest has come to an end, and we are thrilled to announce the winners. We received numerous stunning contributions capturing fragments of this vibrant season and our jury faced the challenging task of selecting three winners. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated and offer our sincere congratulations to the winners. Discover why our jury chose these outstanding photos below.

The winner of the contest is…Wim Hazeleger

This mesmerising shot of a honey-sucking fly ( Rhingia Campestris) immediately caught our attention. It is a technically high-quality image that skillfully combines macro photography with artistic flair. The image is incredibly detailed, inviting the viewer to almost feel and taste the scene depicted. Through this image, the intricate structure of the flower becomes apparent, revealing every detail from the fly's body to its compound eye.

The unique perspective of the fly hanging upside down adds intrigue to the picture, challenging our perception and allowing us to delve into its smallest intricacies. The placement of the subject, centred but with a subtle diagonal line running through the bee's wing, creates a balanced yet dynamic composition.

This photo is not only visually striking but also carries ecological significance, particularly amidst concerns about the decline of insect populations due to climate change. It serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty and importance of these pollinators, setting a meaningful example through its portrayal.

2nd place goes to …Jasper Steenbreker

The goose rising gracefully from the water, its gaze fixed upon the rising sun, evokes a profound reverence for life. This sentiment is heightened by the soft, enveloping light that bathes the goose's body in a gentle glow, reflected in the myriad tiny droplets of water clinging to its wings. The earthy tones and shades of orange and yellow in the color palette exude warmth, evoking a sense of comfort. Overall, it's a truly successful picture.

3rd place is … Tiffany Heymans

This stunning photo captures a hoverfly on a Nigella damascena, and it almost seems like it is resembling a scene from a fairytale. It's no surprise that this flower is also known as “love-in-a-mist” or “devil in the bush”, given how elegantly its leaves and flower interiors entwine, creating an enchanting and mysterious atmosphere. The photo employs a muted colour palette, adding harmony and enhancing the sense of mysticism. Additionally, the yellow body of the hoverfly contrasts beautifully with the blue petals of the flower. The high-quality macro photography allows us to appreciate every detail, revealing how the pattern of the flower's green is echoed in the fly's wings, drawing us deeper into the magic of this image.


And congrats to all of your submissions! It has been great to see so many incredible photos.

Did you enjoy the contest? We’ve got a new contest going until the end of May. We are looking for your best photos!

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